Entrepreneurship Tips
What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Raising Capital Today
Posted by Robert Norton on

Because of the low yield today in bonds and other investment classes, and competition for deals, valuations of early-stage ventures have been creeping up. Many would say that is long overdue, but investors need compensation for the high risk of these ventures too. And frankly almost no one can pick mostly winners due to the many inherent unknowns at the early stage of any venture. This article is an introduction to the financing of any early-stage company across the stages from seed to Series B. The financing landscape today has changed radically with many more options. Some financing is easier...
The First 100 Days of Starting a Company
Posted by Robert Norton on

The journey from idea to launching a successful company is a long and arduous one requiring thousands of good decisions and skills very few people possess. In fact, few people even know what those skills are and could list them. Even many successful Entrepreneurs who do it by nature, gut and experience lack an understanding of the process and cannot teach it to others. Teaching it requires a whole other level of analysis and awareness to document the process. Most people that start companies have no clue how hard it will be to climb the mountain of corporate success. Almost no...
Seven Tips for Becoming a Great CEO
Posted by Robert Norton on

It takes a decade to become a great CEO and several years just to be a good one. There are "born leaders" with natural talent in leadership and the confidence required. But there are no born "Experienced CEOs" that takes lots of effort. Like any other art. Being a CEO is the most complex job in the world. Far more complex and controls than the cockpit of a B2 bomber. The difference being that some of those controls are people, and you can never be sure what they will do. Or even if they will be there. Imagine landing a B2...
Top Ten Rules For Start-Up Success
Posted by Robert Norton on

In my experience, few people understand the many different ways that a start-up must be managed as compared to more mature companies. Decisions must be faster, risks must be higher, and the solutions that are developed must be less complete (80% or less) and more narrowly targeted. During the bubble many "big company" executives were recruited to run startups with little more than an idea and a huge VC investment. This, of course, came back to haunt the investors when they realized too late that running a startup is a very different animal than a larger company. Most of these...
Recommend Reading For CEOs, Entrepreneurs and Senior Executives
Posted by Robert Norton on

From The "Secrets Of A Serial Entrepreneur" Series Make Your Business Grow Faster With Less Risk Resources For CEOs and Entrepreneurs at Startup and Emerging Growth Companies This article is a sample chapter from one of our books in "The Secrets of A Serial Entrepreneur" Series. To see the list of books, audio programs and DVDs click here now I try to read at least 2-3 new books per month and recommend this to any entrepreneur or executive as one of the best ways to continually improve and learn from others. Many people stop learning after leaving school, or after the...