Entrepreneurship Tips

How Big A Market Should A Startup Company Target?

Posted by Robert Norton on

How Big A Market Should A Startup Company Target?

There are many factors, and it is too complex to offer a standard answer. You need to hire a consultant that is a CEO/Founder with lots of experience to discuss things for 1–2 hours. One way around this is to set hourly rates for the founders and track time to allocate it according to contribution. Shares are earned with seat equity. A simple spreadsheet with monthly invoices submitted by everyone is easy to do. There are plenty of software solutions for this too, but likely best only when it gets complicated with many founders. People and Founders are never “equal”...

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How Do You Determine The Distribution of Equity Among Co-founders When Starting A New Company?

Posted by Robert Norton on

How Do You Determine The Distribution of Equity Among Co-founders When Starting A New Company?

There are many factors, and it is too complex to offer a standard answer. You need to hire a consultant that is a CEO/Founder with lots of experience to discuss things for 1–2 hours. One way around this is to set hourly rates for the founders and track time to allocate it according to contribution. Shares are earned with seat equity. A simple spreadsheet with monthly invoices submitted by everyone is easy to do. There are plenty of software solutions for this too, but likely best only when it gets complicated with many founders. People and Founders are never “equal”...

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The Top 26 Reasons No One Should Ever Support Donald Trump in Any Capacity

Posted by Robert Norton on

The Top 26 Reasons No One Should Ever Support Donald Trump in Any Capacity

  It continues to amaze me how ANYONE is willing to vote for Donald Trump. Sure, we need to get back to more conservative values (obliterate DEI, quotas and the out of control woke nonsense like pretending transgender people are normal and educating young children that this is okay), fiscal policy and reduce government by maybe 50%, or more at all levels. Do not get me wrong, I am 100% for equality of treatment of people. Just not equal outcomes. It seems our younger generation cannot tell the difference. Trump is clearly not very bright, is totally unethical, is a...

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If I Pitch an Idea to a Private Investor, What Happens If They Steal It?

Posted by Robert Norton on

If I Pitch an Idea to a Private Investor, What Happens If They Steal It?

Ideas are worthless. And it would be totally legal for them to steal them. Maybe you are confusing patents, copyrights and other intellectual property. An “idea” has no legal protections. And you can be pretty sure you are not the first one to have any given idea too. And if anyone can steal a single “idea” and replicate your business, it is a very bad business. What you need is lots more including many things like a business model, target market, product/service and hundreds of ideas. Companies need a team, plan and many protectable ideas. These are protectable intellectual property...

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What Are the Best Practices for Building A Strong Team Culture in A Startup Environment?

Posted by Robert Norton on

What Are the Best Practices for Building A Strong Team Culture in A Startup Environment?

Here is a short list, but there are many more things which come only from experience and feel interviewing. This is why it is best to have at least 15 years' professional experience before starting a company. Hire the best people you can afford, using stock options to find the ones that really care about the mission and will take submarket salaries to be on the mission. You need 3 key founders: Operator, visionary and sales/marketing head. All with 15 years' experience and long-term commitment. Ideally, willing to put in some cash too. CEO should screen first 100+ employees personally...

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