Entrepreneurship Tips — Expansion - Growth

The Brain of An Elderly Person It's NOT what you've think!

Posted by Robert Norton on

The Brain of An Elderly Person It's NOT what you've think!

It's NOT what you've thought! By New England Journal of Medicine The director of the George Washington University College of Medicine argues that the brain of an elderly person is much more plastic than is commonly believed. At this age, the interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain becomes harmonious, which expands our creative possibilities. That is why among people over 60 you can find many personalities who have just started their creative activities.Of course, the brain is no longer as fast as it was in youth. However, it wins in flexibility. That is why, with age,...

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How Real Breakthrough Innovation and Creativity Happens

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How Real Breakthrough Innovation and Creativity Happens

Creating a Culture of Innovation to Win Entire Markets Are you in charge of innovation? Every CEO is. And many others should be too. Peter Drucker famously said: “Companies have only two jobs: Marketing and Innovation”. I believe he is 100% correct as everything else is relatively easy. The other things do not need much creativity, which is the rarest resource. This is why Hollywood screen writers, Producers, top Directors and Authors make very big bucks.  Not to mention successful Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk.  Who BTW spends almost all his time on product focused innovation. These two videos, and guiding...

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How Do You Grow a Company To $100 Million?

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How Do You Grow a Company To $100 Million?

Launching a startup company may be the hardest thing you ever do.  This is a big question with many moving parts and hundreds of things to get right that comes from experience and art, not just black and white answers. However, there are many things that can be easily agreed on that will go a long way to getting you there.  First, let's talk about the stages because it is clear that there are very different skill sets and modes of operation at different stages of the company's development.  Let's call these stages Raw Startup, Early Revenue, and Established.  Raw...

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How To Get 11X Average Productivity In Product Development?

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How To Get 11X Average Productivity In Product Development?

Here are Some Simple Ideas That Can Greatly Improve Productivity and at the Same Time Help Ensure Success of Every New Product or Release Product management is more art than science and because I have run many product development groups simultaneously, with a very high launch success rate, I have been asked many times what are the key elements for success. This is not easy to answer, as there are hundreds of small things that make success, not just a few large ones. Although most examples are about software, the ideas apply to almost all product development efforts. Due to...

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Six Ways To Grow Your Business

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Six Ways To Grow Your Business

Jay Abrams, an excellent marketing guru, and the speaker says there are only three ways to grow your business: 1) More customers, 2) Higher average sales/revenue per customer and 3) A higher purchase frequency from your customers. Although this is a great model to divide and attack the problem, it is more classified into categories of ways than actual ways to grow your company.  Luckily, we can come up with hundreds of ways to grow a business, and the tough part is deciding where to put your efforts.  One theory is that with ever-growing sales and marketing costs, it is usually...

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