News — Hiring

Top 10 Hiring Tips

Posted by Robert Norton on

Top 10 Hiring Tips

By Greta KauffmanPresident and Founder, Target-Teams Nothing is more important or can have a greater impact than the people you hire. A hiring mistake can literally cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and be magnified over the entire organization, or it can be the beginning of massive success. A bad hire at a senior level in critical areas, at critical times, can even ruin a company. Yet done right a good hire can make up for a lot of other issues and drive success. The Tips: 1. Spend sufficient time thinking and planning before starting the hiring process. Recruit only after...

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Do you need a Co-Founder?

Posted by Robert Norton on

Do you need a Co-Founder?
Data shows that new companies with co-founders have a much higher chance of success than companies founded by a single person. This is because the addition of more skill sets that are complimentary and dividing up the huge amount of work necessary to start a company.

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