Guaranteed to increase your ability to raise capital and get a higher valuation too
This is a coaching and consulting package where we will design and lead you to success. You will not qualify for this program if you are not prepared. This program does not include any of the following, which you must do to be successful:
Market research
Competitive intelligence
Coming up with your business or product ideas and their design
Recruiting your team
Writing a business plan and creating a financial model
- Graphics design
All these services are available at an hourly rate but not part of this flat rate package which is designed to bump you into the top 10% of entrepreneurs that will get outside investors. If you cannot do these things, you need to learn them or add these skills to your team. All these must be deeply understood by all Founders, CEOs, and senior team members. This alignment is required for a successful company that can scale - which is the only kind of company that investors want to invest in!
What you will get:
A financing plan that will impress investors that has all steps needed to succeed.
An improved market entry strategy that will impress outside investors that most entrepreneurs lack
A pitch deck review and improvement that is guaranteed to double, if not triple, your chances of success.
Objective and honest rating of every element, so you can work on the business and improve valuation as well as greatly increase your close and interest rate with investors
Learn to target the best investors for your situation and what they need to see and hear to get excited about your deal.
A plan for approaching the right kind of investors where you are now because good targeting is critical
Like all of our courses and material from The CEO and Entrepreneur Boot Camp (, it is very practical and how to from someone who has been there and done that. It is not theoretical or academic, but from decades of experience and real-world wisdom gained in the trenches.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn what billionaire all know about growing businesses and creating higher barriers to entry around your business so that the enterprise value is 10X or more than that of an average business.

About Your Instructor, Bob Norton, Serial Entrepreneur and Top Expert in Starting and Growing Companies
- As a CEO since 1989 Mr.Norton has grown two startups to over $100M in sales within five years and returned over $1 billion in profits to his investors
- CEO Coach and Adviser since 2002. Independent Director. Specialist in scaling.
- Grew two startups to $100M and $156M in sales in 5 years and 3 years
- Founded six companies with four exits totaling over $1 billion in profits to investors. Two others still growing.
- Author of four books including: The Startup Manual & Leadership, co-written with Warren Bennis, "The Father of Leadership"
- Over 125 published articles and 360+ training videos
- Creator of The CEO & Entrepreneur Boot Camps that have run since 2004 and graduated thousands of CEOs and executives from over 40 countries
- Creator of AirTight Management, the world's first modular Management Operating System (MOS) to prepare companies to scale smoothly