Advanced Certifications in Business & Entrepreneurship
Professional Manager Certification™
Business Strategy Professional™
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Strategy Professional™
Growth & Scaling
Growth and Scaling Professional™
For Founder & CEOs:
The CEO Boot Camp™ and
Master of Business Acceleration™
We certify Managers, C-Level Executives, CEOs, Entrepreneurs and Founders in many areas of business expertise to help them build companies and more rapidly advance their careers.
We have graduated thousands of students from over forty countries since 2004. And also do training of entire management teams. See below.
All Certification Programs include: 1) Self-paced online video Learning Management System (LMS), 2) Live webinar discussion and Q & A, 3) A license to use dozens of downloadable tools to solve key problems, 4) Graduation certificate suitable for framing, and 5) Ongoing community access, blog, and other support services.
These certifications will accelerate your career and set you up for many more senior positions and career growth opportunities like CEO, Vice President, Founder, General Manager and other positions. All are guaranteed to impact your earnings and your company.
Learn about Entrepreneurship University plus testimonials

Best for managers wishing to move up in an organization, prepare to run a department or division, or start their own company. Also good for individuals wishing to take a management career path. Management and people skills are needed for advancement in almost any career.
You can earn the right to put Professional Manager Certification™ (PMC) designation after your name in every email to show you are a management professional in only twelve weeks. Show your superiors and peers you are serious about the art of managing people for high performance and productivity.

For senior managers and those that steer new products, product line extension, strategy, and market entry.
Generally, with titles like Product Manager, VP of Strategy, Strategic Planning Lead, General Manager, Partner, or Senior Vice Presidents. Prospective Founders and CEOs who did not come up in product development or management should add these skills to their toolbox also.
Learn the timeless secrets and tools of strategy that create winning companies synthesized from the top experts of the last three decades. And earn the Business Strategy Professional™ (BSP) designation after your signature.
Any company without a good strategy fails in time. And any manager that does not understand strategy will likely never move up the ranks. Strategy is a necessary skill for all management team members. And a key to open the door of the C-Level positions. It is the big picture thinking.

Best for aspiring marketing professionals and managers who want to move up and eventually become a VP of Marketing, Director of Marketing, or a CMO.
Anyone wishing to become a C-Level executive needs some marketing strategy skills to steer their people. This Certification Program covers marketing strategies for both online and offline.
Earn the Marketing Strategy Professional™️ (MSP) designation after your name to separate you from the crowd and be prepared to guide marketing strategy in any company, or move up the ranks to more senior marketing positions. This specialty can be as good as an MBA for marketing professionals as it is 100% marketing-oriented.

For any manager or C-Level executive in a growth situation
where a company is growing at or wants to grow, at more than 20% annually. Helps any manager understand what is needed to scale at 50% to 100%+ annual growth rates. Management style must shift when growth rates exceed 20%.
Earn the Professional designation of a Growth & Scaling Professional™️ (GSP) after your signature. This Professional Certification Program will teach you everything that is needed for a company to be ready to scale and how to install the needed management systems, metrics, strategic planning, and more. This includes key changes in culture, metrics, management style, recruiting, process management skills, and more.

This Certification Program is appropriate for any current or prospective startup Founders, Co-Founders, and senior managers.
Even seasoned CEOs will learn new strategy levels, advanced management techniques and systems for twelve areas of the business that build successful companies.
We have found that even CEOs with five to ten years experience in that position do not know more than 50% of the material we teach in this Certification Program. With material collected from over 1,000 books and over three decades this program is not like any other, or available anywhere else. And all strategic and management skills learned are timeless, not like lower-level tactical courses.
An entire management team taking this Certification Program together can create tremendous alignment in communications, strategy, management style and more. Exercises can be used to work on the company and improve strategy, management and execution at all levels. Typically, only two to three hours per week is needed to complete this 12-week Certification Program. Discount: A third team member is free when all enroll together.
Accelerators, incubators, business organizations call to resell our online Certification Programs, or have this program run live at your venue (10 people minimum), as we have done since 2010 with large business organizations like The Technology Association of Georgia with over 30,000 members.
The CEO Boot Camp has graduated thousands of Founders & CEOs since 2004 from over 40 countries.

This program runs for a full year and includes 30 courses plus electives. We believe this is better than getting an MBA from a top university because it can be done at a small fraction of the cost (see below comparison) and is far more practical for most than a University MBA degree at Stanford, Kellogs, Harvard and other top universities.
This is for experienced managers only and requires an application and approval which may include a video interview. Completing one of the above 3-Month certification programs first is highly recommended and earns credits towards this master level certification. Anyone completing this Advanced Certification Program should be ready to launch and run their own company and be successful. Specialties available via electives include: Strategy, Fundraising, Growth & Scaling and Leadership.
This program is designed for: Current CEOs | Startup Entrepreneurs | Technology Oriented Contributors who want to advance their careers into leadership roles | Business professionals wishing to move into the C-Suite | Both experienced and newly minted C-Suite executives across any industry | Innovators interested in driving change. This program is comparable to hundreds of $100,000+ university programs in its content at a small fraction of the cost. It requires your commitment and discipline to complete at your desired pace with regular discussion calls, community participation and self-study.

All courses are delivered by a Learning Management System (LMS) with video, handouts, quizzes, and downable slides and tools you can use for your entire career.
All Certification programs, except our Advanced Master of Business Acceleration (MBA, coming Fall 2022), are 12-weeks in duration. The MBA program will be one year long. All programs can be started immediately, at any time, as the order of courses is not critical.

Group discussions and instructor-led Q & A are available weekly for all except the MBA Certification which is 2X per month for 12 months.
Community networking in break-out groups with other students. Opportunities for case studies and hot seats to focus on individual problems and questions are also available.

Certifications can be listed on your resume, verified by calling us, hung on the wall, and used to get promotions by showing your ability to grow into senior management and executive positions.
Each certificate requires completion of the online training assessment with a passing grade of at least 70%.
Collect multiple certificates and apply course credits and previous tuition to later upgrade to our more advanced CEO Boot Camp or Master of Business Acceleration (MBA), full-year, Certification Programs.
Compare the Cost of Top 10 University MBA Programs
These universities have refused to reduce the cost of their programs even though they are delivering most of their content online today, at far lower cost. Sure, getting the brand name degree has some value but as Elon Musk says: "I don't care what degree you have". It is really about what you know and can learn and do with that knowledge.
Where do you want your career to go? Can you afford $100,000+? Do you want to service that debt for 10+ years? Or would you like to get started today?
Most people cannot afford Wharton, MIT Sloan, Harvard, Dartmouth, Kellog, Stanford or Yale ivy league tuition. Neither can most take two years off without pay.
Our programs can be completed while still working.